Welcome to All Talk, No Balk! We are a group of 20-somethings who love baseball more than anything else in the world, and we are here to give our hottest takes on all things baseball, all the time. We’re a digital multi-media company, and we’re proud to provide baseball content on just about any platform your heart desires.

You want fresh articles that explore different baseball-related issues and current events? Check. You want a hilarious baseball podcast where the hosts and their guests aren’t afraid to get a little weird? We got you. You want some crazy baseball rants, compilation videos, and more on YouTube? We got you there too. As we say, we cover all of our bases, and we hope to make baseball as fun for you as it is for us. 

We always love to hear from our fans, so make sure to follow us on all of our social media and call into our podcast via Anchor for your chance to contribute!

There’s never a dull moment with the ATNB team, and we look forward to showing you what we’re all about as we continue to expand our content. What can we say — we’re a bunch of wild pitches! Thank you so much for your continued support! 

– ATNB Team